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Your LOCAL solar installer established in 2019
in the Carver County community in Minnesota!
BC 773866 A Minnesota licensed, registered and insured​ li​mited liability​ company

Reduce or eliminate your electricity bill for good!
We customize a professionally engineered solar array system based on your historic annual usage. Most systems pay for themselves after just 5-10 depending on your incentives listed below. We provide in-depth analysis to ensure that you have quantifiable and measureable projected production amounts to make informed decisions.
This gives you the confidence to eliminate your electricity bill and mitigate rising utility costs.
We are a truly custom solar design and installer. We curate a system that meet your exacting goals and standards. And since are able to source all our products from Minnesota distributors,
we offer multiple manufacture products and systems that are established, reputable and financially sound.
Our manufacturers' warranties are the best in the industry at 25 years.
User friendly software app allows real time monitoring of production and reports that you can install on your smartphone or other device! Monitor your system from anywhere in the world!
We can help you determine how much you can save on your
solar array investment with these programs.
(All programs are subject to change.)
Federal Tax Credit
The 30% Federal tax credit is available January 1, 2022 through December 2032.
Click HERE to learn more about the Federal tax credit and view the instructions IRS Form 5695
and consult your tax professional.
USDA Grant for Rural Businesses
Your rural small businesses may be eligible for financial grants!
If you own a business or farm, you may be eligible for a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
If your application gets approved, you could receive up to a
50% Grant of the project's total cost.
Learn More About USDA Rural Energy for America Program and
if your business qualifies HERE
Utility Rebates
Are you a current Xcel Energy customer?
Each kilowatt hour that your solar array system produces offsets your usage.
If you are an Xcel Energy customer you may receive an additional incentive through their SolarRewards program?
Applications are open for an additional $0.03 or $0.015 per kilowatt hour in an annual payment
each year for 10 years (updated rate for 2023 Solar Rewards applicants).
Click H​E​RE to learn more about Xcel's Solar Rewards. ​
No Minnesota Tax on Solar
Depreciation for Businesses
Your tax basis is not fully reduced by the Investment Tax Credit (50% of Investment Tax Credit).
May qualify for accelerated depreciation methods.
Talk to your tax professional for more info, or click HERE for MACRS info from the IRS.
Minnesota wants to reach our nation's goal to become energy independent.
For this reason, solar panels, equipment and installation
are all exempt from MN Sales & Transit Tax that you would normally pay.
These savings will also apply to your production!
Net Metering allows you to save on the MN Sales Tax on your utility bill.
Click H​E​​RE for all incentives for Minnesotans.